
Middle School

The Middle School program continues the emphasis of TCS on strong academics from a Christian perspective.

Students switch classes in a seven-period day with academic classes in Bible, English, Science, History, and Math. In addition, they may take elective classes. Advanced students may be accelerated in some subjects, and many students take Algebra I in 8th grade.

Visit Trinity Christian School

571 E. Main Street
Statesboro, Georgia 30458

Phone: (912)489-1375
Email: office@tcsstatesboro.org

The Arts

At TCS we value the beauty of God’s handiwork all around us. We also value the talents of our students as He gifts them with differing creative abilities. We help our students capitalize on these gifts by providing programs created to teach skills and enhance each child’s God given talents.

Bible & Chapel

At Trinity Christian School, we believe that the Bible is the inspired Word of God, the ultimate source of truth, and our only rule for faith and practice. As such, Bible is an important part of the curriculum of TCS. Students take Bible as an academic subject in every grade, but Bible is viewed as more than just an academic exercise. We are dealing with matters of heart and soul that will impact eternity. In the lower and middle school grades, students learn about how the Bible is organized (Old and New Testaments, books of the Bible). They also study the history of God’s people beginning with Creation and continuing through God’s covenant with Abraham and the nation of Israel, including the patriarchs, judges, kings, and prophets of the Old Testament. Students learn from the New Testament about Jesus Christ, his life, teaching, ministry, death and resurrection, as well as the apostles’ ministry after Jesus’ ascension. In the high school years, the four Bible courses are Church History, Ethics, Christian Doctrine, and Worldviews.

Chapel is another important time at Trinity Christian School. This is a time each week when the student body can gather together to worship God corporately. Chapel is on Friday mornings. Services generally feature the singing of hymns or praise songs, prayer, and the sharing of God’s word by the Headmaster or a guest speaker. On some occasions a class might lead the chapel service. Parents are welcome to attend all chapel services.

Electives Offered

  • Art
  • Technology
  • Keyboarding
  • Personal Finance
  • P.E.
  • Weight Training
  • Latin
  • Spanish
  • Home Economics
  • Chess

Middle School Sports

Middle School students can compete in six different sports at Trinity Christian School.

Click to learn more.

Middle School Clubs

Middle School students can join a variety of extracurricular clubs at Trinity Christian School.

Click to learn more.

TCS Grading Scale


98-100 = A+ 88-89 = B+ 78-79 = C+
93-97 = A 83-87 = B 73-77 = C
90-92 = A- 80-82 = B- 70-72 = C-
    Below 70 = F

Trinity Christian School bases it’s educational philosophy and mission statement on the foundation of scripture. It is out of this belief system that we strive for excellence in all we do.

The curriculum of Trinity Christian School is designed with a two-fold purpose: to provide an academically excellent education, and to teach every subject from a Christian perspective. At TCS we believe that our Christian faith is relevant to math, history, literature and science just as much as it is to Bible class.

TCS uses textbooks from a variety of publishers, Christian as well as secular, including A Beka, Bob Jones, Christian Schools International, MacMillan/McGraw Hill, Prenctice Hall, Saxon, and many more. Instead of letting the textbook publisher determine what our students are taught, TCS is in the process of creating student-based objectives for every subject in every grade. These objectives, gathered from state and national standards as well as our faculty’s expertise, are meant to be the guide for what our students are to know when they complete each subject and grade. The textbooks are tools that will help the teacher to teach the objectives stated in the curriculum guide.

Underlying all these educational objectives is the belief that the Bible, God’s inspired Word, is the source of ultimate Truth. But by God’s grace, he has enabled finite humans to discover truths about mankind and about creation.

If I could choose one word to describe Trinity, I would say biblical. The school is biblically sound and everything they teach is biblically sound.

Pastor Joshua Boyett3rd and 7th Grade Parent