
School Life

Welcome to Trinity Christian School where our goal is to prepare students to faithfully serve Christ, loving Him with all of their heart, mind, soul, and strength. It is our desire that each student will be equipped with a comprehensive college preparatory education while not compromising Biblical doctrine in a nurturing environment, all the while enjoying the many extracurricular activities that are available to our student population.

From academics to athletics all of our teachers are capable of assisting parents in the discipling of their children’s heart, coming along side them to reinforce Christian values and ideals.

Extracurricular Activities


Each Friday morning the school community gathers together for a time of worship. 

Service Learning Program

Our Service Learning Coordinator assists classes in organizing student service projects and logging their service hours throughout the year. Students in grades 6 through 12 are required to complete 12 hours of service per year, or 6 per semester. For questions concerning our service learning program, please contact cscott@tcsstatesboro.org

Clubs & Academic Teams

Math Teams are offered at the 5th/6th grade, Middle School, and High School levels; 4-H (grades 4, 5 and 6); Beta Club (Honor and Service society); Chess Team  (6th-12th grades); and High School Quiz Bowl Team (9th-12th)


  • Fall Sports –JV and Varsity Girls Volleyball, JV and Varsity Boys and Girls Cross Country
  • Winter Sports – JV and Varsity Girls and Boys Basketball, Cheerleading, Boys and Girls Swim Team
  • Spring Sports – Varsity Girls and Boys Soccer, and Golf
  • Additionally, we offer intramural sports including basketball and soccer for lower school

For more about TCS Athletics, please click here.

Overnight Field Trips

Field trips are an important part of a Trinity Christian School education. Students are given numerous educational experiences outside of the classroom. Local, single-day field trips include concerts, plays, the Wildlife Education Center, the GSU Museum, Tybee Island, Savannah, Hilton Head Island, and many other locations. For older students there are also overnight field trips.

5th Grade - Charleston

Sleeping aboard the USS Yorktown corresponds to the students’ study of World War II. Students also visit the Charleston Aquarium.

6th Grade - Space Camp

Students travel to Kennedy Space Center in Florida for an overnight experience at Space Camp that goes along with their study of astronomy.

7th Grade - Jekyll Island

8th Grade - Atlanta

Georgia History students travel to our state’s capital, where they tour the Coca-Cola Museum, the Georgia Aquarium, the CNN Studios, and the state capitol building.

10th Grade - Williamsburg, Virginia

Trinity 10th graders travel to Williamsburg, Virginia, to learn about and experience life in Colonial America.

11th/12th Grade - Europe

The culminating experience is a 2-week Europe trip that occurs every two years. The last few trips have included the nations of Italy, France, England, and Scotland. For a more extensive explanation of our Europe trip, please read our Europe Trip Rationale.


Clubs and Academic Teams

Beta Club

Trinity Christian School has been recognized as a National Beta Club School of Distinction. Our school’s chapter exists to promote the ideals of academic achievement, character, service and leadership among elementary and secondary students. To be invited to join the Beta Club at TCS students must demonstrate each of these characteristics.

Academic Achievement: Recognizing and honoring high academic achievement.

Character: Preparing young people for life and empowering them to be successful.

Leadership and Service: Developing leaders of tomorrow by demonstrating the Beta Club motto: Let Us Lead By Serving Others!

Chess Team

Chess Team is offered to students in grades 4-12. Students meet on the second and fourth Wednesday of each month.  Lower school meets after school, and upper school meets during the school day to learn chess strategies and to play games in preparation for participating in chess competitions throughout the area.

High School Academic Club

High School Academic Club meets during the high school elective period twice a week. The purpose of this club is to prepare  students to participate in the GICAA High School Spelling Bee, Geography Bee, History Bowl, Math Bowl, Quiz Bowl and other academic competitions throughout the year.


TCS participates in the Georgia Independent Christian Arts and Academics association, which hosts a Literary competition each year. TCS Literary is open to all high school students and sends competitors in personal essay, narrative essay, argumentative essay, dramatic interpretation, humorous interpretation, extemporaneous speaking, solo piano, solo voice, trio, and quartet.


Math Team

TCS fields math teams in grades 5-6, grades 7-8, and grades 9-12 (JV and Varsity). The teams compete in math meets both locally and regionally, and have included the Southeast Bulloch meet (grades 5-6), Armstrong Atlantic State University (grades 7-8), Georgia Southern University (grades 7-12), College of Charleston , Mercer University , and Greater Atlanta Christian School meets (JV and Varsity).

Parent-Teacher Fellowship (PTF)

The PTF’s primary responsibility is to provide service and support to enrich the experience of Faculty, Staff, Students and Parents of Trinity Christian School.


  • To help TCS communicate with parents
  • To help parents understand the Christian philosophy of education upon which TCS functions
  • To help schedule, promote, and host student and parent activities
  • To conduct programs that assist parents in their biblical roles and to contribute to the building of strong Christian families
  • To welcome new parents into the fellowship and to instill in the new parents the need for their continued involvement in and support of TCS
  • To encourage pride in students at TCS
  • To assist TCS in promoting its reputation in the communities of Statesboro and Bulloch County
  • Organize Monthly Faculty & Staff Luncheons
  • Fall Gift Wrap Fundraiser
  • Hosting the Grandparent’s Day Brunch
  • Provide Wednesday Ice Cream Sales for Students
  • Assist with the school-wide Fallapallooza Fundraiser
  • Teacher Appreciation Week Events
  • Provide a yearly supply budget for teachers
  • Help with Bus Repairs and other School expenses (white boards, playground equipment, computers, etc.) as needed
  • Financial donations toward school activities such as the Prom, Graduation Reception etc.
PTF Officers are selected by a nominating committee and elected every spring. Each officer serves a two year term.

Student Council

Purpose of the Student Council:

  • Represent the desires of the students in the Upper School with regard to social activities, clubs and other activities.
  • Help to plan social activities that would be open to all TCS Upper School students.
  • Help to encourage the Upper School to be involved in acts of service by organizing and promoting various service activities in the school and community.
  • Develop their leadership skills through acts of service.

The student council may elect officers (President, Vice President, and Secretary) if they so choose.

The student council will meet as needed (at least once per month) to conduct its business.

The student council must have a faculty adviser, and any plans made by the student council must be approved by the upper school principal.